





The STEM博彩平台推荐中心 is a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant founded project that is open to all students in one of the science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM)指定字段. 

The mission of the STEM博彩平台推荐中心 at 博彩平台推荐 is to support STEM students by providing engaging opportunities that will enrich the experience of being in a 阻止程序. 我们的目标是帮助博彩平台推荐实现成功过渡的目标 从博彩平台推荐转到他们预定的四年制大学.



In our center you can reserve a desk whether you are needing to study, work on homework, 做一个小组项目,或者找个地方放松一下. 

在此预订您的位置: 预定座位

 To ensure that you have successfully reserved your space please follow the 指令 下图:

  • 选择一个可用的 (绿色) 开始预订的槽位.
  • 提交预订时间.
  • 同意条款和条件.
  • 填写预订表格并提交您的预订.
  • Follow the link in the confirmation email or visit the Circulation Desk to confirm 你的预订.

博彩平台推荐 are able to print from their own device using the following 指令:


使用  打印链接:

  • 点击[下载并运行移动打印]按钮 

  • 点击[连接并获取我的打印机]按钮 

    • 点击[打开剪纸移动打印]对话框后 


  • Now find something you would like to print and follow the normal printing procedure. 

When selecting the printer, look for "N310 Secure Print [N-310 STEM Lab]" and have 它选择. 


  • 如果没有,请按照 进行故障排除 指令 



After pressing print, a window will pop up prompting you to log in with your school 凭证. 

  • 用户名:GC + ID 

  •  密码:您的帐户密码 

Then press "Sign in and print", which will send it off to the printer in the STEM center. 


  1. Go to the kiosk by the printer; to log on, enter your GC ID number in the first field 在售货亭上. 

  2. 现在,您可以管理打印作业并打印所需的作业. 

  3. 完成后不要忘记退出! 

The 博彩平台推荐 STEM荣誉项目 is a student organization made up of academically motivated students and provides them with academic enhancements, support systems, and opportunity for scholarship that they may not otherwise have access to.


学术指导 is an additional resource for students that includes beneficial elements such as goal setting, time management, study skills, and 的优势 development. 

If you are interested in receiving academic coaching, email Barbara Dover at bdover@yn17car.com

To better support students in 阻止程序s the STEM博彩平台推荐中心 offers tutoring 为中心博彩平台推荐提供某些STEM课程.

辅导 is offered both on a drop-in and appointment basis in 30 min intervals. 




博彩平台推荐 can receive assistance in course and transfer planning by making an 建议 & 咨询预约.

联系 ldeluna@yn17car.com, 409-944-1429或使用下面的按钮预约


博彩平台推荐 are encouraged to study abroad regardless of major, class standing, socioeconomic 背景,或有外语经验. 从加尔维斯顿开始计划吧 学院的海外学习课程!



你从加尔维斯顿大学毕业后有什么打算? Every semester, the STEM博彩平台推荐中心 organizes university presentations inviting esteemed faculty and staff representatives from various universities to our campus. These sessions delve into the myriad possibilities awaiting students, providing comprehensive insights into the academic, research, and career prospects offered by these esteemed 机构.


  • 内部知识: learn about their academic offerings, campus culture, research opportunities, and 博彩平台推荐生活专家. 
  • 路径清晰: faculty and staff can guide you towards programs that align with your passions and 的优势. 发现你可能没有考虑过的新领域,并弄清楚你的目标 最适合你的道路. 你是在用你所需要的知识武装自己 明智的选择. 你会更清楚地知道哪些机构会引起你的共鸣 你的目标和价值观.
  • 网络的机会: network with professors and staff who could become mentors, recommenders, or even 未来的合作者. 这些关系可以为实习和研究打开大门 职位和工作机会.
  • 奖学金及资助资料发现这些机会并了解申请流程. 教师和 staff often have the inside scoop on what it takes to secure funding for your education.
  • 问题解答: 在这个论坛得到你所有的疑问回答. 无论是班级规模,还是住房 options, or extracurricular activities, you'll leave with a clear picture of what 期待.
  • 文化理解: 你会体会到成为这个社区的一员是什么感觉. 学术严谨 to social activities, understanding the culture can help you make an informed decision 关于你将在哪里茁壮成长.



我们的学前专业发展系列工作坊是 designed to equip students with essential skills for success in the professional world. Learn how to establish a strong online presence, craft compelling resumes, write persuasive 求职信和面试. 无论是探索职业选择还是做好准备 对于职场人士来说,这个系列是为帮助博彩平台推荐取得成功而量身定制的. 不要错过这个 opportunity to build a professional toolkit and confidently take the next step in 职业生涯之旅.


博彩平台推荐 students have a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in labs exploring topics of interest at one of three participating universities: Texas A&M University at Galveston, Lamar University, and Texas Southern University. 博彩平台推荐 do not have to be on track to attend these universities to gain these experiences. 

Interested in learning more about these opportunities email Barbara Dover at bdover@yn17car.com.

问题? 博彩平台推荐.

7:30 A.M. - 6 P.M.